Brian Sullivan formed Brian Sullivan Industries while on sabbatical from On Demand Screen Printing, his shirt manufacturing business, while in Australia riding a motorcycle across the eastern side of the continent.
Sitting on the side of the road taking breaks from the motorbike ride Brian would find himself sketching beds and other pieces of furniture and dreaming of making tangible things. Owning and running the screen printing company had turned him into a manager, a salesperson, an accountant; all the things he liked least about business.
So he started IndustryWorks (later renamed Brian Sullivan Industries) and started making retail displays for an existing client; Copeland Sporting Goods. Everything from shoe displays, snowboard racks, point of purchase counters, to custom displays for companies like Reebok, Asics, MacSuperstore, and then on to residential furniture for individual clients and designers for mostly high end homes. Restaurants, bars, distilleries, retail stores, and residential clients make up the bulk of our work these days.
Specializing in producing things out of almost any material, crossing multiple manufacturing processes and disciplines, making one of a kind custom pieces, and truly doing things no one else can.